Creating beautiful moments and experiences that empower you to feel like the best, most beautiful version of you in your images.

Meet Mel

Most days I can't believe I am truly doing what I love because I am currently still an educator mentoring and molding not only young minds, but also other educators as a K-2 Instructional Coach, as well as fulfilling my second passion as a FULL-TIME Professional Photographer. That's right, you read it, TWO FULL TIME CAREERS! Ever since high school, I knew so badly in my heart that I wanted to be an educator, and at times dreamt about being a CEO of a business. When I first picked up a fully manual camera that my grandfather shipped down to me from the 70s, and developed my own pictures in a black room, I knew that one day I would maybe just maybe start a little side hustle. Well... that's what I did. I attended a 4 year college to obtain my Teaching Degree and viewed photography as a little hobby I loved. 

Hi Love! I'm Mel!

I set a goal that I would complete my Master's Degree by then and eventually run a school one day as a principal. In addition to this dream, my friends and family continued to urge me to take on photography as a little side business. Nowhere in my wildest dreams did I ever think Inna Snap would have ever become reality. So, here I was walking across the stage with my red bottoms to receive my Master's Degree, and in that same week sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram coming across some amazing photographers that offered online education. Although $400 seemed like so much to invest at the time, I typed in my credit card and made my first investment into learning more about photography. This decision evolved from my friend group all starting to get engaged, married, having babies, and so on. Although, I photographed one of my friend's weddings fresh out of high school–and when I tell you I was in my head–boy, I was in my head, I couldn't believe she chose me for the most important day of her life! I survived, but I knew I needed to get better and learn way more about it than just picking up a camera and clicking, if I truly wanted to continue to serve potential clients. 

So here we are... a million hours of hard work, sleepless nights (this girl does not sleep!) binge watching photography modules, missing important events in my own life with friends and family, and 5 amazing years later... I truly can't thank myself enough for taking the leap of faith and following my heart to learn how to serve amazing clients like you to the fullest potential I have. This "once a little girl" that forever dreamed and wished to do both passions she absolutely loves, has been managing it all with help of an amazing behind the scenes team to ensure continued growth and offer the ultimate best experience for YOU all! One of the hardest things I had to come to realize was that "I can't always wear all the hats" and truly having the right help has pivoted this little business of mine into something amazing! 

Always know that although I love educating and photographing all things, my biggest hope is to not only serve you but to become friends forever!  

Fast Forward to Chapter 30...

Ok enough of how I got here...let's get into the good stuff:

Let's Create Some Magic...

my current faves...

80's music is my jam!


Extra cheese pizza is my go-to!


I'm loving an all neutral palette lately!


Shopping is the best therapy!


Believe it or not I've never had a drop of coffee my entire life... and I'm full of energy all the time. Hand me a Double Choc. Frappachino at any hour of the day and a cake pop! 


Zeekie and Asher. They know all the secrets... Good luck finding out! HAHA! 


I have a twin sister and she's my bestie! No one else I'd rather share my birthday with!


Traveling the world with my better half has truly been amazing.








If you're reading this, follow and DM me on Instagram for a chance to win a coffee on me!